Website Development Ayrshire

Web Dev IT Build New Websites to suite our customers needs
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whether it be a small business website, large business website, single page website or a large dynamic classified or auction website we can help, no job is to big or small all websites that we build will be complete to the highest standards and no rock is left unturned we check every aspect of the site and on all platforms to make sure your customs can see and access your site no mater what device i.e. Tablet, Mobile Phone, laptop pc, Desktop pc our cheapest packages start at £150 for a 4 page website that will include a home page, about us page, gallery, and contact us page, this will also include free SEO to get you listed on Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engine's SEO will consist of three Keywords  and one location.

SEO Ayrshire

Web Dev IT Undertake new and old S.E.O Projects what mean's search engine optimization
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, SEO is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a web search engine, i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing and many others, we provide free SEO with every website package you buy from us included in the package price, and if you are just looking for SEO for your website that was not purchase through us prices start at £50 a month on a yearly contract of 12 months what would come to £600, compared to companies charging £199 and up per month.

Hosting Ayrshire Web Dev IT

Web Dev IT offer a second to none hosting service for our customers, hosting is included
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in all our website packages but we also offer a swap over service if you are paying over the odds for your current hosting. if this is the case please feel free to contact us there is a £50 fee for collecting your old hosted files, you will also need to pay the hosting upfront for the year and put in a request to your old hosting company to transfer your domains and hosting over to us, we will also need server access to your old hosting to download and prepare the files ready to move them over to our servers, our hosting packages start from as little as £80 per year where their companies may be charging you £10 a month as you can see we offer great savings on hosting, there will be no downtime on your website while we swap it over to our servers.

Website Development Ayrshire

How It Works

WEB DEV IT - How website Development Ayrshire Work's And the stages we go through to get our clients businesses website to its finished stage

Preparation And Planning in the development stage Is Paramount To Our Final Finish.

Step 1 Planning

Client Meeting
Client Requirements
Analysis What Client Needs
Collect Data

Step 2 Design

Rough Layouts
ProtoType Design
Finished Design

Step 3 Development

Layout Main sections
Layout Colour's
Client Feedback

Step 4 Launch Website

Design Quality Check
Approval & Seo
Launch Website

Website Development Ayrshire, SEO Ayrshire, Hosting Ayrshire

Website Development Ayrshire Undertake Business Website Development in and around the Ayrshire area & Nationwide, Custom SEO Work - Custom Built Websites - Hosting Transfers - Hosting Packages to Suit You And Your Website.

Web Dev IT Is a top Website Development Company In Ayrshire Scotland Contact Us for your free quotation today and start to overtake your competition on the web !